Take Me Home Program
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Take Me Home Program

The Take Me Home program is a free database offered and managed by the Orange Park Police Department that seeks to provide the highest level of service to children and adults with disabilities in our community who may wander off from home. The individuals enrolled in this program may not be able to communicate with law enforcement for various reasons to include physical/mental challenges such as Alzheimer’s, Autism Spectrum Disorder or Down Syndrome. Law enforcement officers will utilize the program’s database to return the individual back to their loved ones/guardians by using a current digital photograph, demographic information and caregiver contacts.

If a caregiver calls police because their loved one has wandered off, we will have the immediate ability to distribute a photograph and pertinent information to officers that might help us locate the individual and bring them back to their homes in the quickest and safest manner possible. Similarly, if the individual is enrolled in the program, and we locate them wandering the town confused and unable to tell us who they are or where they live, we may be able to identify them in the database and get them back home safely. We have worked on this program with BASCA Inc. (Building Abilities for Special Children and Adults) so that, collaboratively, we can improve the safety of this demographic in our town. Additionally, all police officers at OPPD have received special training from BASCA representatives to improve our response to individuals with mental health disabilities so that we can make these interactions safer for all involved. At the Orange Park Police Department, we are constantly striving to improve our service to the community, and we feel very strongly that this program will do just that.

To register for the Take Me Home program or for additional information, please contract either Officer Samantha Frehulfer via telephone at 904-264-5555 or by email sfrehulfer@townop.com or Stefani Kuhn at (904)264-5555 or via email skuhn@townop.com
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