Red Light Cameras
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Red Light Cameras

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Orange Park officials announced that its red-light safety cameras will begin taking photos of red-light runners at designated intersections beginning in 2013. Red-light Safety Cameras will capture still images and video of red-light running violations. Citations with a $158 fine will be issued.

A comprehensive evaluation was conducted to determine where red-light running commonly occurs and where red-light safety cameras are most likely to improve road safety. The red-light safety camera program aims to protect drivers, passengers, cyclists and pedestrians from injuries or crashes caused by red-light runners.

Florida was the third most deadly state in the nation for red-light running fatalities in 2010. Across the United States, red-light runners killed an average of 885 people and injured 165,000 each year for the past decade. Now, through its road safety camera agreement with American Traffic Solutions, Orange Park joins the over 80 communities in Florida using this lifesaving program.

Pursuant to the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act, a portion of all red-light running fines issued through red-light safety camera programs goes to trauma centers and to research efforts addressing spinal and brain injuries. Thus far more than $7 million has gone to trauma centers and nearly $3 million has gone to the Miami Project for research into new treatments for persons living with spinal and brain injuries, many of which are the result of traffic crashes.

The program was approved by the Orange Park Town Council and is administered by Verra Mobility with each violation reviewed and approved by Orange Park Police Department prior to being issued.

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Red light cameras are located at:

  • Park Avenue at Loring Avenue, north and southbound lanes
  • Park Avenue at Kingsley Avenue, north, south, and turning lanes
  • Kingsley Avenue at DeBarry, west and eastbound lanes
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Map showing location of red light camera in the Town of Orange Park
(click to enlarge)
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For questions about your citation that are not answered below, contact Orange Park Police Department at 904-264-5555.

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Red Light Camera Ticket FAQ's

What is a red light Notice of Violation?

Why did I receive this Notice of Violation?

How do I know that these violations are valid?

Where can I go to view my images and video?

Will my insurance rates be affected?

I paid the violation; why did I receive another notice?

What if...?

What if I'm not the driver/owner of the vehicle at the time of the violation?

What if I was issued a citation from an officer for the same offense?

What if I was involved in a vehicular collision at an intersection with a Road Safety Camera system. How do I obtain a copy of the footage?

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How do I pay a notice of violation?

How much time do I have to pay my Notice of Violation?


I don’t believe I ran a red light and want to discuss my case with someone?

Can I schedule a hearing?

How much do I have to pay for a Hearing?

Can someone other than me attend the hearing?

Program Questions

Why has the Town implemented a traffic Light Safety Camera Program?

What company provided the red light camera program in Orange Park?

Why does the camera flash when no one actually runs the red light?

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