Public Records Requests & Traffic Crash Reports
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Public Records Requests & Traffic Crash Reports

General Records Requests & Body-Worn Camera Video

If you would like to complete a public records request with the Orange Park Police Department, please email describing what records you would like. If your request is for body-worn camera video, an estimate of cost for redaction service will be prepared and emailed back to you. Upon receiving payment, the redaction and fulfillment will begin. Once the redaction process is complete, the video will be emailed to you via a download link.

*If you do not have email, we of course are still obligated to fulfill your request, simply call 904-264-5555 and other arrangements can be made.

Obtain A Copy of Your Traffic Crash Report

If you have been involved in a traffic crash in the Town of Orange Park and would like a copy of the traffic crash report, please click here.

Self-Report a Traffic Crash

Did you know that if you were involved in a minor traffic crash and just exchanged information with the other driver, or you were involved in a single vehicle accident, you can self-report your traffic crash without having a police officer take the report? Additionally, officers in some areas may not take a report if there is not enough visible damage. This option may help you accomplish obtaining a crash report for insurance purposes. Click here for more information.
open file cabinet drawer full of hanging files.

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