Town Council
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Town Council


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Mayor Randy Anderson

Mayor Randy Anderson has served on the Orange Park Town Council Seat 5 since May 21, 2019. He has served as Mayor since May 18, 2021.

Phone: 904-477-7341
A headshot photograph of Mayor Randy Anderson

Vice-Mayor Winnette Sandlin

Vice-Mayor Sandlin was elected to Seat 2 on April 11, 2023. She was sworn in to her first three year term to Orange Park Town Council on May 16, 2023. She was sworn in as Vice-Mayor on May 21, 2024. Ms. Sandlin retired as a department manager from First Coast Service Options, Inc., after 30 years of service. She has been a resident of the Town for over 25 years.

Phone: 904-614-6349
A headshot photograph of Councilman Doug Benefield

Councilman Doug Benefield

Councilman Benefield was appointed to Seat 1 on the Council on August 2, 2022. He is a Florida licensed CPA and partner/founder of Elevated CPA. Doug was elected on April 11, 2023 and was sworn into his first three-year term to Seat 1 on the Orange Park Town Council on May 16, 2023.

Doug and his wife Cary are lifelong Orange Park residents and are currently raising their two boys, Douglas (5) and Edwin (1) in the town.

Phone: 904-694-3775
Head-shot photograph of Vice-Mayor Doug Benfield

Councilman Glenn Taylor

Councilman Taylor was sworn into his first three-year term to Seat 3 on the Orange Park Town Council on May 21, 2024. Glenn is a Florida Real Estate Attorney and CPA located in Orange Park on Kingsley Avenue. He has twin sons who are currently attending the University of Florida.

Phone: 904-449-3640

Councilman Kenneth Vogel

Councilman Vogel is currently serving a one-year term on the Orange Park Town Council for Seat 4. He was sworn in on May 21, 2024.

Phone: 904-444-2232

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