Code Compliance
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Code Compliance

Code Compliance is a division of the Police Department. We enforce a wide variety of the Town Code including Chapters 7,15,16,17,19,22, and Appendix A (Land Development Regulations). These different chapters of the Town Code speak to building, housing, noise, nuisances, signs, occupational licensing, and various zoning matters. We also enforce Chapter 12 of the Town Code regarding “Junked and Abandoned Vehicles”.

Contact Us

The Town’s Code Compliance Officers are Ed Kaczkowski, 904-278-3020 and Sarah Draper, 904-264-5555 ext. 267. For issues outside of the Town limits, please contact Clay County’s Code Enforcement Office at 904-284-6310.

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Residential and Commercial Property

The Town of Orange Park Code of Ordinances requires all residential and commercial properties, including lots and structures therein, be maintained at a certain level. It covers violations outside the structure from excessive trash and junk in the yard to making sure a business is properly licensed to operate within the Town of Orange Park. Violations of Chapters 7,15,16,17,19,22 and Appendix A can be cited to the property owner or the occupant, and after time is allowed for correction, may be taken before the Special Magistrate for prosecution if not in compliance with said Code.

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