Explorer Program
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Explorer Program

The Town of Orange Park Fire Department Explorer Program is designed for young adults from 15 to 21 years of age who are interested in learning about a career in the Fire Service. The program is a joint venture with Learning for Life. In addition to learning about the Fire Service, the Explorer program’s main goal is to provide the young adult with a sense of responsibility to their neighborhood through ongoing community related activities.

The Fire Explorer Program is designed to expose students to the career of fire fighting. In addition, the program is a resource for education and training for these students that will benefit them once they begin the fire service testing process. The explorer group meets weekly at the Town Of Orange Park fire station. Additional events throughout the year include numerous interagency training activities with other fire, police, and medical explorer posts in the region.

The explorers assist the fire department at various events throughout the year. Annually the fire explorers participate in several community events as well as other Fire Prevention and Public Education activities in surrounding communities. For a printable Explorer brochure please click: Fire Explorer Program

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